Ward 1 Voting 101: A voting guide for Mac students

Ryan Tse
October 18, 2018
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes
Photo by Catherine Goce

In only four days from now, McMaster students with a Hamilton address will have the opportunity to vote in the 2018 Hamilton municipal election. Here is a guide to the day of to help you find your way to a voting station and come armed with all the information you need to successfully cast your ballot.

When is the election?

The municipal election will take place on Oct. 22.  

Who am I voting for?

You have the chance to vote for the next mayor, Ward 1 city councillor and Ward 1 and 2 school board trustee.

Who is eligible to vote?

If you are a Canadian citizen 18 or older and have a Hamilton address, you are eligible to vote in Hamilton.

Can I still vote if I don’t live in Hamilton permanently?

As a student, you are eligible to vote both in your “home” municipality, if it is not Hamilton, and in the Hamilton municipality where you live. The bottom line is, if you have an address in Ward 1, temporary or permanent, you can vote in Ward 1. All you need is some ID that shows you live there.

Where do I vote?

Near McMaster and in the surrounding area. If you are in Ward 1, you have 11 polling stations. The closest station to McMaster is Church of God Hamilton at 265 Bowman Street. If you are coming from either the east or west side of Main Street, you can take the 5 to Main Street West and Emerson Street and walk from there or hop on the 51 to Whitney Avenue and Emerson Street.  

[google_maps id="35383"]

[spacer height="20px"]What time can I vote?

The polling station will be open from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.

How do I get to the nearest voting station?

The nearest polling station to campus is a 25-minute walk from the McMaster University Student Centre. If you choose to bus from campus, you can take the 51 at Sterling Street and University Avenue to Whitney Avenue and Emerson Street. From there, it is a few minutes to Bowman Street and Willowcrest Avenue, where the church is located.

What do I need to bring to the voting station?

You will need to bring a document that shows your name and Ward 1 address.

Possible documents include:

  • Ontario driver’s licence
  • Ontario Health Card (photo card)
  • Ontario motor vehicle permit (vehicle portion)
  • Mortgage statement, lease or rental agreement relating to property in Ontario
  • Credit card statement, bank account statement, or RRSP, RRIF, RHOSP or T5 statement
  • A document showing campus residence, issued by the office or officials responsible for student residence at a post-secondary institution
  • Utility bill for hydro, water, gas, telephone or cable TV or a bill from a public utilities commission
  • Cheque stub, T4 statement or pay receipt issued by an employer

A full list of documents can be found on the City of Hamilton website.

Who should I vote for?

It is ultimately up to you. Below, you can find a list of online sources that highlight information on candidates and feature their respective platforms.

Ward 1:

- The Silhouette: www.thesil.ca/meet-your-ward-1-councillor-candidates

- The Hamilton Spectator: www.thespec.com/news-story/8891703-ward-1-information-for-hamilton-voters/

- The McMaster Students Union’s MacVotes campaign: www.msumcmaster.ca/macvotes/macvotes-municipal-elections-2018/ward-1-candidates


- The Hamilton Spectator: www.thespec.com/news-story/8894782-mayor-race-information-for-hamilton-voters/

- The McMaster Students Union’s MacVotes campaign: www.msumcmaster.ca/macvotes/macvotes-municipal-elections-2018/mayoral-candidates

Why should I vote?

Because you can and you should. Voting gives you an opportunity to exercise your democratic right and have the potential to impact what Hamilton will look today, tomorrow and in many years in the future. So do some research, get to the polling station, warm-up your ballot-checking fingers and cast a vote.

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