Wentworth House tenants looking for new locations

Sam Colbert
September 27, 2012
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

The site of Wentworth House, which sits near the main entrance to the McMaster campus, has been designated as the future home of the Wilson Building for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. With demolition of Wentworth House scheduled for May 2013 and construction on the Wilson Building commencing next summer, current tenants of the building are searching for new spaces on campus.

“Where we’ll go is still up in the air,” said Connor Bennett, a director of MSU service MACycle, which sits in the lower part of Wentworth House. “There’s some speculation and some vague ideas being thrown around at this point, but that’s kind of it.”

In addition to MACycle, organizations presently remain in the building include the Muslim Students Association, the McMaster Children’s Centre day care, CUPE 3906, the Photography Club and some offices of Facilities Services.

The Graduate Students Association moved their bar, the Phoenix, out of Wentworth House and to the Refectory Building earlier this month. Although the GSA offices remain in Wentworth House, they will follow the Phoenix across campus in the near future.

This academic year, a lounge for off-campus students will sit in the Phoenix’s old spot.

“I’ve been forwarding [needs of our clubs and services] to the University administration,” said David Campbell, Vice-President (Administration) of the McMaster Students Union. “They’ve assured us that there will be space and that they have no reason to believe that there won’t be. On our end, we have no reason to believe they won’t come through on that.”

“We’ve spoken to all of the tenants, and we’re working with each of the tenants to find alternative accommodations for them where they need it on campus,” said Roger Couldrey, VP (Administration) of the University.

Although Bennett is not aware of a plan for MACycle’s relocation, which needs to happen by the end of the year, he is optimistic that the powers that be will find a solution. He is aware, though, that his service has particular needs that must be looked after, much like the building’s other tenants would.

“I haven’t really been given cause to worry that we’ll be tossed to the side. But given that MACycle has some very specific requirements of a space … There are a lot of criteria we need to meet, and I don’t know where that is on campus and I don’t know how to find out,” he said.

MACycle requires a location with sufficient space, street access, ventilation, power and, preferably, good visibility, according to Bennett.

“I’m excited to move to a new spot. I think it will be a good change for MACycle,” he said.

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