What's the situation with the future of Apple?

October 18, 2011
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Rachael Ramos

The Silhouette


With the recent press conference of Apple’s newly developed products, the long-awaited
iPhone 5 was supposed to be the show stealer. Instead, new CEO Tim Cook introduced the iPhone 4S …Really?

It seems all the rumors, the past year and a half of the iPhone 5 were just that - rumours. This disappointed a huge portion of Apple fans.

But with the disappointingly similar iPhone being released, with hardly more than a change being an S at the end of its name, Apple provided its audience with the introduction of its new super apps to be released with the new iPhone.

The newly introduced apps include iMessenger, which is like a BBM for iPhones, iCloud, a cloud service that stores your files, music and photos and Siri, which allows verbal commands to your phone to help you send messages, makes calls and set reminders.

With the reaction to the disappointment of the introduction of the iPhone 4S, do the new apps make up for the lack of the less advanced iPhone? According to The Associated Press 1 Million iPhones have been pre-ordered.

Apparently Apple’s new 4S breaks records set by its previous model. However it’s hard to determine whether consumer demand is stronger for the new device than it was for previous versions as these numbers were also a production of preorder sales on the first day of release, which was not a worldwide offer.

There is an abundance of mixed feelings from the consumers about the new iPhone.

“I already have the iPhone 4, and there isn’t much difference. So I won’t be purchasing the 4S,” says McMaster student Sarah Mann. "I can just purchase the apps separately."

This questions Apple's integrity of being the most revolutionary in technology. Have they run out of creative ideas on the design of the iPhone? Is this it?

Obviously all they have at the moment is the 4S; the world is just going to have to wait, in suspense, to see what Apple has to offer in the future years to come.

Although there seems to be interest for the 4S around the world, the iPhone 5 was supposed to be the next big announcement from Apple.  Consumers were less than impressed when the unveiling of the new iPhone was simply the reconstruction of the iPhone 4; critics and fans were expecting an “earth-shattering” event much as the previous Apple unveilings. All they really wanted was the revolutionary new design, which would have been the iPhone 5.

“Apple’s new smartphone is called iPhone 4S, and it looks exactly like an iPhone 4," noted technology site Techcrunch.

Is Apple behind in their technology? It seems androids are already way ahead of the game while Apple is taking a slower pace.

According to The Huffington Post the Android smartphone has gobbled up market share and overtook the iPhone as the most popular smartphone operating system in the U.S, boosting 42 percent of the market to Apple’s 27 percent.

Regardless of the disappointing unveiling Apple still rose above it with remarkable success.

Will able be able to maintain its success in the years to come? Will it fall behind in technology and market success?

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