Wi-Fi pilot project will upgrade service in Student Centre, selected classrooms

Anqi Shen
November 20, 2012
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Following an announcement of a $100,000 pilot project by UTS to improve wireless internet service on campus, the MSU has released a list of facilities that will receive wireless upgrades or expanded service. The Wi-Fi expansion will prioritize classrooms, lounges, meeting and conference rooms.

Feedback gathered in a student survey played a significant role in the decision-making process, said Huzaifa Saeed, VP (Education) of the MSU.

The survey garnered about 900 votes when the Wi-Fi working group met to discuss funding allocations, and has since reached more than 1,200 responses.

Notable service upgrades will take place in the basement and first level of BSB along with several rooms in TSH. The entire Student Centre is also expected to receive wireless internet connection.The working group comprised members from UTS, CLL, the University Library, Facility Services and the Registrar.

Originally, rooms 264 and 376 in the John Hodgins Engineering Building (JHE) were not included in the project despite many student survey-takers identifying JHE as needing Wi-Fi. The building will now be considered in the pilot project.

Ken Coley, associate dean of Engineering, explained that the faculty had spent a portion of their budget upgrading Wi-Fi throughout JHE in the past two years, so the faculty was not interested in allocating their own funds for further Wi-Fi enhancements in the building. However, the faculty has clarified that they will not impose restrictions on the pilot project.

“Wi-Fi in classrooms has not been a priority for Engineering but we are not going to stand in the way of UTS putting in upgrades in JHE,” said Coley.

Saeed said there will be extra funds freed up from the $100,000 pot if the MUSC Board of Management agrees to cover Wi-Fi in the Student Centre with the $1.1 million surplus in student fees collected for the building in 2010. That motion will be presented at the Board’s next meeting the second week of December.

Ron McKelvie, director of UTS, said final approval for the project will occur in December. It has not yet been confirmed when updates will be complete.

The list of building upgrades is below:

DeGroote School of Business
UPGRADE: B105, B106, B107

Kenneth Taylor Hall
NEW: B104, B105, B102, B135
UPGRADE: B110, B121, B123

Togo Salmon Hall
NEW: B105, B106, B107, B120, B126, B128, B130, B125, B180, 122,187, 512
UPGRADE: TwelvEighty

Chester New Hall
NEW: B107, 102, 106, 104
UPGRADE: B180, 183

Alumni Memorial Building
NEW: B130, B130/E, B130/A

McMaster University Student Centre
NEW: Everywhere

Gilmour Hall
NEW: 108
UPGRADE: B107, B109, Council Chambers, 203, 206, 212

NEW: 136, 162

Psychology Building
NEW: 151,155

Art Gallery
UPGRADE: Everywhere

Burke Science Building
NEW: B119, B103, B155, B135, B136, B139, B142, 119,120, 117, 121, 115, 108, 106, 137, 138, 145, 147

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