Zero Waste McMaster organizes fall campus cleanup

Molly Gomes
October 24, 2024
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Zero Waste McMaster cleans up neighbourhoods surrounding campus following homecoming parties

On Oct. 7, members of McMaster's Zero Waste club gathered on campus to collect waste and clean up the Westdale and Ainslie Wood neighbourhoods following the events of homecoming on Oct. 5. The student-led club is committed to promoting a low-waste lifestyle to students and community members both on and off campus while raising awareness about pressing environmental issues.  

Jessica Prevost, co-president of the Zero Waste Club, spoke about the motivation behind the cleanup and the event’s turnout.

“Zero Waste tries to do a cleanup every semester and we usually try to do the fall one around homecoming because with the street parties, it can get pretty gross on the street … so we wanted to help clean that up as quickly as possible … the goal was to help clean up the [surrounding] neighbourhoods, especially for the people who live there who are not responsible for the garbage,” said Prevost.

The goal was to help clean up the [surrounding] neighbourhoods, especially for the people who live there who are not responsible for the garbage.

Jessica Prevost, Co-President
Zero Waste McMaster

Despite fewer attendees participating in the cleanup than expected, the club managed to collect three bags of garbage and two bags of recycling. 

Prevost noted that all supplies, including garbage and recycling bags and gloves for the cleanup, were provided through the City of Hamilton's 'Team Up to Clean Up' community program. "You can sign up a group of people or friends for a cleanup initiative and they provide all the materials for free … If you dispose of [the garbage and recycling bags] at your house, they do not add to the total garbage or recycling bag count, which is super convenient,” said Prevost.  

The Zero Waste club also plans sustainability-focused workshops and campaigns, advocating for students, faculty and community members to adopt less wasteful, low-impact lifestyles. Zero Waste has made a map showing the locations of all compost bins across campus. 

Zero Waste is also collaborating with small sustainable businesses to create a discount program for McMaster students, offering a range of sustainable and eco-friendly products at an affordable price. Local businesses such as "That Planted Fork", "Audstruck Expression" and "The Casual Gourmet" are participating in the program, where students receive a discount code that can be applied at checkout.

Prevost noted that one of the club’s key goals is to emphasize that reducing waste should not be overwhelming and that every student’s impact can be significant. “Zero waste [living] is not as hard as it sounds … it is not about [achieving] zero waste, just reducing waste … it can be as simple as composting, as long as you have the resources, or turning the lights off when you don’t need them … there are many little things that you can do that really matter,” said Prevost. 

Zero waste [living] is not as hard as it sounds…it is not about [achieving] zero waste, just reducing waste…it can be as simple as composting, as long as you have the resources, or turning the lights off when you don’t need them…there are many little things that you can do that really matter.

Jessica Prevost, Co-President
Zero Waste McMaster

The next Zero Waste event will be held on Oct. 29, featuring a hike and Halloween-themed sustainability activities. One activity will teach participants how to carve a pumpkin while promoting minimal waste, ensuring that students learn to utilize all parts of a pumpkin.

You can visit the Zero Waste Club's website and Instagram for more details and to sign up for their events


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