News in brief

January 31, 2013
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

New funds available for crown wards

An additional $24-million investment by the Ontario government has been made to educating current and former crown wards. A Jan. 24 announcement said that funds will be allocated for the foster children to finish secondary school and attend post-secondary institutions. As a result of the investment, approximately 1,600 former crown wards will be eligible for funds. McMaster founded a Crown Ward Education Championship Team in the Hamilton/Brant/Haldimand-Norfolk region in 2008-09.

‘Locks 4 Love’ coming to Student Centre

Smiling Over Sickness in partnership with Albert Snow Hair Design Group, will be holding its annual Locks 4 Love event in the MUSC Atrium on Feb. 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Volunteers will have their hair cut by local hairdressers and be donating it to Angel Hair for Kids, which provides wigs to financially disadvantaged children in Canada who have lost their hair due to a medical condition. Students interested in learning more or participating can contact [email protected].

City fires 29 employees for “breach of trust”

The City of Hamilton has fired 29 City employees from its Public Works Department. In a Jan. 28 press release, the City stated that the employees were terminated for neglect of duties, time theft and breach of trust. It was reported that the specific employees allegedly used city vehicles for personal use, took full days’ pay for only a few hours’ work and personally sold asphalt out of the back of City vehicles. The City will finish its internal probe prior to a formal investigation with Hamilton Police Services.

New Associate VP, Research and Analysis

On Jan. 25, Jacy Lee, Director of Institutional Research and Planning at Simon Fraser University, was appointed McMaster’s new Associate Vice-President Research and Analysis. She will formally start her term on March 4. The AVP role entails a large amount of liaising with government officials and working with the Public and Government Relations unit. Lee will be taking over for acting VP Peter Smith.

Marauder scholars recognized 

McMaster recognized over 200 athletes as “Marauder Scholars” on Jan. 28. A brunch was held to recognize the academic and athletic achievements of these students. Marauder Scholars achieve a minimum 9.5 GPA and excel in their respective varsity sports. Defensive lineman Scott Caterine and cross-country runner Victoria Coates were honoured with the Jack Kennedy and Mary Keyes awards, respectively.

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